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Walking Canes and Your Weight: How to Choose The Best One For You

Walking Canes and Your Weight: How to Choose The Best One For You

Tom Siceloff |


Walking Canes and Your Weight

Many people may require a walking cane to get around in the best, physically possible way, whether due to aging or health reasons. Canes are not a one-size-fits-all kind of item. A lot must be evaluated before choosing the right one that suits your needs. Walking canes vary in material, size, types, and more, so there are a lot of choices for you to try. Other than the canes, a look at yourself might be needed before you shop around. Weight and other health factors are some things that need to be taken into consideration when searching for the best cane.

Why consider weight?

Weight affects how you use a walking cane and how it supports you. If you’re looking for a cane that works with your needs, it’s best to stay at a healthy weight as much as possible, as they can only support so much weight. Health programs to keep weight off emphasize the importance of eating a nutritious diet, but activity is also a significant factor in boosting weight loss. Aside from developing a consistent exercise habit, these programs highlight the necessity of overcoming behaviors like stress-eating or late-night snacking. Keeping healthy habits in mind and putting them into practice can help you find the right cane without the hassle.

Other than weight, here are some factors to consider when choosing a cane:


Different types of canes can help with varying health issues. Single-point canes help with early balance issues and support a person who can still walk without much pain or discomfort. Four-point or quad canes offer more stability and help with balance as well. Some canes also come with seats so the user can rest wherever they may be. The type of cane you choose must provide the best stability, as a lack of it can cause you to fall. Falling is a common cause of disability and even death, especially among the elderly, creating more health complications. Make sure your cane can properly support up to 25% of your weight and you can walk comfortably without stumbling.

Grips and handles

Canes come with a variety of handles that support you in different ways. Standard crook canes have a slightly curved handle with a straight shaft that help you avoid cramping. Orthopedic canes have handles that are shaped to the palm of your hand and relieve pressure on the wrist. Offset handle canes can withstand heavier weights. Offset handle cranes have grips meant to provide a comfortable experience, which is crucial since you’ll be using your cane for most of the day. Foam grips are also popular, as are ones shaped to fit your hand. Larger grips are suitable for those who have trouble using their joints and alleviate stress from the hand. Choose one that doesn’t cause pain or numbness and keeps you walking for longer.


Your cane’s fit is one of the most important aspects of your cane, as it can make a major difference in the comfort of its use. When your arms are in a relaxed position, your cane’s handle should align with your wrist. Your arm should bend at a slight angle, roughly 15 degrees when holding it. Some canes, such as metal canes, can be adjusted, while wooden canes can be cut to the right size. One element you may want to consider, too, is style. If you’re going to be using a walking cane a lot, you might as well look great! Check out Classy Walking Canes for canes that make a statement about who you are.

2 minute read

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